Case studies

Sales effectiveness in specialty chemicals
Supported a specialty chemicals manufacturer in optimising their sales operations to deliver ambitious growth. ​
Our work, across an international group of hitherto highly autonomous sales operations, step-changed commercial excellence globally, including new customer segmentation and targeting methodology, consistent ways of working, reorganised teams, and sharpened KPIs. ​
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Transforming pricing capability in online travel
Supported an online travel agent to step-change their pricing capabilities, enabling accelerated growth out of the pandemic. ​
Our work applied best-in-class standards to this recently PE-acquired business, radically upgrading capabilities, processes, and supporting systems, and leaving the client’s team well-equipped to navigate the ongoing challenges to the industry.​
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5-year strategy for a Dutch grid operator
For a major Dutch gas and electricity distributor, defined a 5-year strategy sharply focused on enabling the nation’s transition to clean and sustainable energy.​ ​
Embraced by the board and key stakeholders, our jointly developed strategy has redefined the organisation’s overarching priorities, enabling continued delivery of engineering excellence and efficiency while investing to bridge the path to a low carbon world. ​
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Radical 2050 vision for a UK utility

For a leading UK utility, developed a radically ambitious and inspiring long-term vision and the strategy to make it happen.
This bold aspiration, supported by rigorous analysis, and developed in collaboration with staff at all levels, went on to become the 30-year roadmap, making profoundly transformational targets the new way forward.
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