Case studies

Target operating model for a UK development bank
Designed the target operating model and organisation for an economic development institution, underpinning its growth from handling £7bn total commitments to over £80bn.​
Working closely with the top team on diagnosis, and facilitating functional teams to detail options and plans, we reviewed, redefined and implemented a new operating model and organisational structure that transformed every functional area and enabled a significant step-up in activity.​
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International market entry in sustainability technology
For a multinational utility, developed the strategy and roadmap to build their innovative Air Quality business in two key markets internationally - the UK and the Middle-East.​ ​
In both chosen geographies our market scan identified the most attractive markets, unpicking a complex web of air quality issues, sectors, and drivers of investment in clean air such as regulation and public sentiment. In the most attractive markets we worked with local stakeholders internally to derive more detailed plans that everyone could get behind, resulting in a roadmap the teams went on to adopt as their ‘bible’.​
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3-year strategic plan in digital education
For a leading international digital education platform, supported a new leadership team to develop a successful 3-year strategy.​
​Working closely with the CEO and his teams, we rapidly defined the strategy and supporting initiatives to deliver it, engaging throughout the business to ensure a shift to close alignment with a mission that combined commercial impetus with a strong educational purpose. The client has gone on to successfully implement the first stage of the plans and is ahead of target on a host of initiatives.​
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Data vision for an art and luxury business
With a world-leading, high-touch art and luxury business, we developed the data vision and change programme to transform the employee and client experience.​ ​
Working closely with the client, we defined a new 'Data Vision' to transform the client’s traditional, relationship-based sales organisation’s trust in data, and developed the programme required to embed the new approaches; this included designing the engagement and communications plan, the ongoing data governance structure, and the integrated roadmap to a successful implementation. ​
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Commercial due diligence in homewares
Commercial due diligence in the homewares market for a PE client who went on to take a majority stake in the business. ​
With markets in a high state of uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the target potentially enjoying a short-term boost, our team focused on the potential downside case. Our rigorous review of the market, company performance, international expansion potential and brand strength was instrumental to the client’s decision to invest. ​
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Scaling up a parcel distribution innovator
For a specialised parcel delivery scale-up, we developed an expansion strategy and execution roadmap in close cooperation with founders and management, driving continued rapid growth. ​ ​
Taking a market and customer research-based approach, we identified the most attractive customer segments and international growth priorities, defining plans ruthlessly focused on areas of high growth and differentiated proposition, and supported a kickstart to the execution.
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Online value proposition in consumer electronics
Supported a global consumer electronics brand in defining their direct-to-consumer proposition and channel strategy to accelerate growth. ​ ​
Our work culminated in a concrete D2C sales plan tailored for different regional ‘archetype’ markets and including detailed specifications on price position, assortment, online experience, fulfilment and customer care, all of which are currently being implemented. ​
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Consumer data strategy in sports apparel
Worked with a leading sports apparel company to upgrade their consumer data strategy and governance, driving a step change in consumer trust, experience and loyalty. ​ ​
Drawing on internal assessment, market insight and expert inputs, we recommended practical improvements that would deliver on the brand’s aspiration to know the consumer better, optimize loyalty, and ensure leading-edge privacy protection. ​
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International growth acceleration in B2B software
Supported an international tech-helpdesk software developer to accelerated growth through better-targeted expansion and product development. ​
Working in close collaboration with client teams across highly entrepreneurial and autonomous country organisations, we defined a unified, “biggest bang for our buck” growth path that would shift behaviours and successfully focus commercial and development efforts.
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Sustainable growth strategy in agriculture
Worked with an international animal feed and fertilizer supplier to reshape their business for sustainable growth. ​
We worked with the Board and regional teams to design, bottom-up, the global strategy that would enable them to deliver on visionary sustainability and circularity objectives.​
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