Case studies

Transformation programme design for a B2B technology provider
Supported this tech company to rapidly detail a transformation programme to increase profits by 5-6%
In a rapid and pragmatic effort we set up a PMO and led the mapping out of initiatives, a tight prioritisation, more detailed design on priority workstreams and the technical setup of programme tracking, leaving the client set up to deliver the implementation internally.
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E-business launch for a manufacturing multinational
For this global ingredients player developed an integrated roadmap to enter a high-potential adjacent digital market, and went on to support their launch.
Following a series of farsighted investments by the client in a new and burgeoning digitally-enabled D2C market, our team developed a structured strategy and investment plan for an ambitious buildout. We went on to support their launch through piloting and the first stages of rollout.
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Industry-wide sustainability review for a mining company
Reviewed sustainability approaches across the jewellery value chain for a major industry report, on behalf of this leading player
We combined qualitative market analysis on the supply side with the client’s consumer research to provide definitive insights on developments in sustainability across the sector. The published report bolstered our clients’ mission and helped build the case for sustainable working across the industry.
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Pensions strategy for a leading European insurer
Reviewed this major insurer’s pensions strategy in light of an anticipated and undefined regulatory overhaul, equipping it for every scenario.
We worked closely with management to develop regulatory reform scenarios and the strategic implications of each. This culminated in a series of ‘no regret moves’ and action plans to follow in each of four possible scenarios as more clarity emerged on the reforms, resulting in our client being well-prepared as the reforms played out.
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M&A strategy for a composite insurance company
For a European composite insurance company, developed an M&A strategy that enabled them to capture a market leading position.
Our team worked closely with the client’s Strategy and M&A heads to shape an acquisition strategy underpinned by strategic analysis per business line, the evaluation of alternative strategic scenarios, and prioritised target lists for each scenario. The result was a shared strategy that the client went on to execute with great success.
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Digital strategy for an FMCG manufacturer
Developed the digital strategy and transformation plan to enable a global lifestyle consumer goods company to meet ambitious growth aspirations.
Working closely with the client, we shaped a new vision grounded in market, customer and consumer insight and financial analysis, and together went on to define the programme required to deliver the new vision, culminating in a thoroughly-defined implementation roadmap.
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International growth for a luxury brand
For a British luxury brand, developed the strategy to double the size of their US business.
We developed strategies by category, channel and customer segment, grounded in consumer and competitor research and in a detailed review of the brand’s sales performance. We also recommended operational changes and shaped the next steps for implementation.
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Omnichannel B&M organisation for a luxury retailer
Embedded a new omnichannel organisation and ways of working for this luxury department store group’s buying and merchandising functions.
We worked with this long-standing client to model their ‘as is’ and ‘to be’ B&M processes and structures, frame options and tradeoffs, and detail the agreed structure and implementation plans. We then supported the first wave of their successful rollout, which would enhance stock availability and customer service, while also future-proofing the organisation for ever-accelerating online growth.
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Breakthrough strategy for an ocean logistics player
Facilitated a game-changing internal strategy development process for this private equity- owned global ocean logistics provider, resolving years-long strategic dilemmas.
Drawing on deep internal expertise and extensive research, analysis and challenge, together we created a growth strategy to strengthen their core business and develop new adjacent service lines. We went on to shape a comprehensive plan to implement the new strategy, as well as the organisational change to deliver it.
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Sales optimisation for an office services player
Developed a detailed strategy to double gross margin in a key customer category for this provider of B2B document management solutions.
For the client’s commercial customers, based on contract and financial analysis as well as customer insight, we developed a pragmatic customer segmentation, and tailored value propositions. The strategy would double the gross margin generated by commercial customers, improving value per sale, volume of sales, salesforce productivity and cost per unit of sales.
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