Transforming digital services in consumer health
Supported a consumer health products player to develop and integrate D2C digital health services
Working closely with a client team, we developed a focused strategy to build on existing innovations in digital solutions with clear choices on where to play, how to win, and the operating model changes required, underpinning competitive strength and sustainable growth.
In response to market developments placing growing focus on digital health, our client had been innovating in digital services/solutions across the business, launching offerings from within category teams, regions, and from the centre.
The range of services and solutions were early stage, and their value as yet unproven; at the same time, competitive pressure was intensifying. Eden McCallum was asked to support the client to define a coherent group-wide approach, based in shared priorities and consistent procedures.
Our team began by drawing together a detailed fact base of services and solutions across the client’s major product categories, looking at segment attractiveness and competitive vulnerability. From there they segmented types of digital solution, from disruptive to defensive; mapped those against the client’s product categories; and developed a prioritisation matrix enabling choices about where to play and how to win, grounded in core capabilities including brands, knowledge, and geographic footprint.
This also supported clear choices around existing initiatives: where to double down, where to continue, and where to stop or re-evaluate.
Finally, we assessed the operating model required to deliver the co-ordinated development and management of digital solutions across the business.
The client opted to pursue a strategy focused on sustainable core business growth, accelerating and future proofing in a fast changing environment.
They defocused new standalone services, a major strategic shift, and prioritised specific solutions segments in their major product categories. They adopted our agreed framework for ‘how to win’ by anchoring approaches to defined core capabilities, driving differentiation.
Operationally, they went on to develop and finalise our initial recommendations around strategy, governance, technical R&D and delivery.