Case studies

D2C proposition for a wealth manager
With a major UK wealth manager, defined an innovative mass affluent proposition, exploiting new technology to serve a new market.
Our client had shaped a high-level approach for a new, tech-enabled D2C proposition to the mass affluent, advised retirement segment. Working closely with the group strategy team, we validated and refined their plans, building a more detailed blueprint and enabling them to gain internal and board backing for further investment.
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Strategic roadmap for an ESG data provider
For an ESG data provider focused on supply chain traceability, developed strategic options to move into adjacent themes, particularly ‘Environmental.’
The fast-shifting world of ESG reporting was presenting threats and opportunities to our client, for decades a market leader reporting on social and human rights in the supply chains of consumer and retail multinationals. We provided a thoroughgoing market assessment and shaped a roadmap for the client to develop from core strengths into new themes, maintaining its competitive position.
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Payments strategy for a global airline
Developed a strategy for this international airline’s payments operations, shaping a potential £50m revenue uplift and £10-20m cost reduction.
We assessed the customer journey vs. their future needs and developed initiatives to significantly upgrade the customer experience, embed a multi-acquirer strategy, reduce fees to existing acquirers, and define a new payments system architecture.
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Staff engagement for an academic publisher
Developed an employee engagement programme to reverse a steep decline in staff morale and satisfaction for a scientific publisher.
Working inclusively across a global staff of 2,000, we supported the client to understand the drivers of decline and develop a plan to reverse the slide, uplifting productivity and ultimately retaining more staff. Focused on the key processes of workflow and people management, we developed a comprehensive change programme now underway.
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Board toolkit to support action on climate change
Developed a publicly available toolkit to help boards drive measurable action on climate change.
Combining insights gleaned from companies leading on climate change with core strategy and change management frameworks, the pragmatic, action-oriented board toolkit was launched to support non-executive directors across Europe.
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Governance design for global conservation prize
Designed the governance of a prestigious global environmental prize, to support its successful transition from within a leading philanthropic foundation.
Conducting in-depth research with multiple stakeholders to determine the criteria for successful governance and define possible options, we agreed and detailed a governance structure which would enable the newly independent entity to realise its global ambitions.
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Fundraising acceleration for an education charity
Accelerated fundraising for an organisation with bold ambitions to change the educational and life outcomes of some of the UK’s most disadvantaged young people.
We designed and populated a new fundraising management system that stepped up the charity’s fundraising capability by focusing and facilitating their efforts, and significantly improved their pipeline of high-potential funders.
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Business-wide cost reduction for a UK restaurant group
For one of UK’s largest casual dining chains, we identified efficiencies of £20-40m, and supported the resulting transformation.
Our work covered multiple brands, regional and head office functions and all restaurant operations. We rapidly identified savings to be achieved through labour scheduling, operational process improvement, head office cost-cutting and reducing complexity. We went on to support the client to detail, trial and implement the plans, including running the transformation PMO.
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Sustainable engineering for a construction major
Supported a construction multinational’s route to market in Design for Manufacture and Assembly, at the leading edge of sustainable construction.
DfMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) has cost and carbon advantages over traditional construction methods. Our work assessed the future shape and direction of the industry to determine how the client could build on a bold investment in manufacturing capability to optimise their participation in the value chain. We then supported them to implement the strategy across their organisation, processes, and capabilities.
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Full potential strategy for a global law firm
Led a global strategy refresh for an international law firm’s transition to a new Managing Partner, underpinning a surge in performance.
Our robust assessment of the current position created a common view across the partnership of the business' strengths and pressing challenges; we then supported conversations across the leadership that developed shared beliefs, reconfirmed purpose and aspirations, and defined goals for the next three years, including where to play. We went on to refine the strategy in key areas, equipping the managing partner with a powerful blueprint for success.
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