Overcoming new and exciting challenges every day

Xiao Zheng, Analyst, NL
Reflecting on my time as a student I realised I have been unsure for a long time about what I wanted to do after studies. I have many different interests and enjoy being challenged with complex problems, especially when they positively impact the world. Difficult challenges can be found in many professions, but what made strategy consulting stand out for me is how fast moving this line of work is, how much responsibility you get, even on day one, and how much variety it brings in both every day work as well as the type of industry you are working in.
The three-week induction programme has been incredibly useful in equipping me with all the tools and skills needed, but has also been a really fun way to get to know Eden McCallum and the other new joiners. The people at Eden McCallum are extremely inclusive, friendly and fun, and even though I have just started I can say that I feel at home.
This week I started my first project involving organisational design for a sustainability party, which I have been very excited about since the cause is close to my heart. I am amazed by how this week went by and how fast the human brain can learn and adapt, from not knowing anything about the topic, to being able to produce output and adding bits of value by the end of the week. I am looking forward to getting to know more people in the field, learning more about problem solving and overcoming new and exciting challenges.