The right place for me

Bas Gerdsen, Associate Consultant, NL
Rotterdam School of Management
MSc, Finance & Investments
Maastricht University
BSc Economics and Business Economics
The past few months have illustrated why Eden McCallum is the ideal place for me, for three reasons:
Firstly, though my previous and first job was also in consulting, Eden McCallum is different. Previously, I mainly worked on compliance focused, very process driven projects; I wanted to explore business issues more extensively and progress into the problem-solving stage. Eden McCallum has a diverse set of clients and allows their analysts to be all-rounders by working on different types of projects in varying industries, which is exactly what I am looking for.
Secondly, the productive collaboration with the independent consultants in the dynamic teams helps you to grasp certain topics and gain certain skills more easily, thereby resulting in real solutions for the clients. Also, the entrepreneurial atmosphere at Eden McCallum translates into excellent on-the-job training and the opportunity to challenge yourself, which is something I stongly desire in my work.
Thirdly, the atmosphere here is unusually open and welcoming. In particular, the induction weeks of the analyst program and social events make it easy for new colleagues to spend time and get to know everyone in the firm. And from a work point of view, as an analyst at Eden McCallum you are given responsibility from day one and your input is always considered and appreciated. Hence, I consider Eden McCallum the ideal place for me to grow both personally and professionally.
I am convinced Eden McCallum will provide me the right tools, skills and culture to be able to pursue my dream in the future: starting my own company. I would recommend that everyone search for their ideal place to grow. If you are just doing what everyone else is doing, you probably are doing the wrong thing.